According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Years started with the fight against a mythical beast called the "Nian". The "Nian" is afraid of red colour, fire, and loud sound. Therefore, for self protection, people posted red Dui Lian in front of the house, launched fireworks, and hung lanterns at year end.
On this day in mid-winter, the groundhog awakens from a long winter's nap, and goes outside of his den to see if he sees his shadow. But why and what is the result if he does?
Everybody knows about Valentine's Day but its origins are shrouded in mystery and archaeologists are not sure if there was one saint Valentine or more! Find out about X's, red roses, chocolates and flowers.
The original idea behind Pancake Day was to use up all the fat in the house before Lenten abstinence. Folklore has it that parishioners, eager to reach church in time for the last 'shriving' or confession, would race through the streets still clutching their half-finished pancakes - the beginnings of the great pancake race tradition.
St. Patrick is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. Of course, no snakes were ever native to Ireland. One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock, which stems from a more bona fide Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity.
The modern version of Mother’s Day started in England in the 1600’s. But it was a woman who was never a mother herself who led the campaign for national recognition of Mother's Day.
Thought to start back in 16th century France. Today in France, people who are fooled on April 1 are called Poisson d'Avril, which literally means the "April Fish."
As a radio presenter I love most music and like to keep up to date with new stuff. This page has some of my favourite current music videos.
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Hello and welcome to Paul Denton Online. So you're probably wondering who this guy is well I'm a radio presenter from the UK and this website is all about me and my radio career.
I've also included lots of advice for people working in the industry. If you're seeking advice on how to be a radio presenter then check out the radio industry information section on the left had side of this page. Here I've included loads of my top tips on how to present on the radio which I've pulled together from working in the industry for the past 28 years for stations such as Hallam Fm, Minster Fm and Peak 107fm.
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