Welcome To My Web Site
Hello and I hope that you enjoy visiting the Paul Denton.co.uk web site. As you can see I have been busy over the last few weeks giving it a lick of paint. It's been 4 years since the last big site makeover and I decided it needed a slight freshen up. Most of the information is still here but it's probably been condensed into sections that it relates to. If you can't find something that you used to look at try looking in the sitemap or drop me a line and I'll let you know where it is.
This site is all about me and my love of the radio broadcasting industry. As well as info about me and my radio career there's loads of fun stuff to do and sources of information for people working in the industry.
To drop me an e-mail or send feedback just click on the email or feedback buttons at the top of each page. To get back here to the welcome screen from anywhere within the site just click on the Paul Denton logo in the top left hand corner of each page.
Thanks and enjoy. Dents...