Radio Broadcast Equipment And Studios
When it comes to building a radio station you can't
do without some technical equipment. Putting the basics together
can be done by yourself or you can get the professionals in and
save all the hassle of having to do your own Krone. To sound good on air, a well
soundproofed studio is a must. Having the company next door's pneumatic
drill going out while the newsreader is on is not what you're after.
A studio can be a simple set up or can look like the flightdeck
of the Starship Enterprise. Most stations are now going for the
minimal digital look and below are listed some of the companies
that can supply broadcasting equipment, fm transmitters and build fully functioning radio studios.
Radio Broadcast Services - Provides equipment hire, studio build and fm transmission facilities. Everything from Hospital Radio, RSL, Community to DAB broadcasting is catered for.
Studio Equipment Supplies
Audio - for all your radio equipment needs
- for mixing desks and transmission equipment and more
Alice - for
mixing desks, transmission equipment and studio build
Radio Facilities
- for studio and equipment hire
- Mixing desk manufacturers
School Radio
- your one stop shop for kitting out your school station
Clyde Broadcast
- Manufacturers and builders of radio studios
Broadcast - Builders of radio studios
Radio Station Playout And Broadcast Software
A computer playout system is the modern way of handling all your audio instantly without the need for finding and loading CD’s, carts and minidisks. Broadcast playout systems have the advantage of being able to play multiple files sequentially thus creating an automation environment. Many stations today are heading down the automation road to save money by planning ahead and pre-recording items, therefore not having the need for a presenter in the studio 24/7.
Playout systems can be very sophisticated and can select tracks depending on genre and play them at predetermined times or be scheduled to play on a rotational basis. There are many systems available ranging from a few pounds for the basic model to one that can cost thousands. Most radio presenters will have their favourite and will swear blind that it’s the best of them all. Below are just a few of the main systems on the market.
Spacial Audio - produce SAM Broadcaster
Squared - produce Myriad
Enco - produce
Dalet - produce
- produce Barrcode BCX
Broadcast Bionics
- PhoneBOX
PhoneBOX Solo
Broadcast Bionics also distribute:
WOAR – Wide Orbit Automation
for Radio (previously Google Radio Automation)
Genesys playout system
NewsRoom from KLZ
Axia Audio desks and IP routing products
IQOYA audio over IP products
RCS - produce
Selector and Master Control
Broadcast - Worldwide distributors of Autoplus playout and automation
If your company is not listed above drop me a line and I'll add you to the list.